Project Summary

Inovação Circular is an EU-funded project (FSZ and Valdesi?) implemented in the city of Beira, Mozambique, by CAM with the partners Aurora Foundation and Zambeze University. The main objective is to foster the economic development of Beira by improving business incubation and acceleration services and creating new jobs in the circular and green economy.

The project plans to consolidate and strengthen two Business Incubators and Accelerators (I&A) in order to make them economically sustainable and competitive entities through training courses and training on the job. The two I&A Palincule, a spin-off of Zambezi University, and HubLink, a private incubator, will support young entrepreneurs in the structuring of new ideas and innovative, inclusive and sustainable businesses and start-ups. The project will also support the creation of new jobs by accompanying 3 local enterprises operating in the circular economy sector through customized acceleration programmes and exchanges in Europe.

  • Project NameInovAção Circular: Investing and Empowering for Sustainable and Inclusive Development in Sofala
  • Start Year2022
  • End Year2026
  • TypeSingle Organization
  • Country(ies)Mozambique
  • ESG ScopeEnviromental | Governance
  • SDGs AddressedNo poverty | Gender equality | Industry, innovation, and infrastructure | Reduced inequalities | Responsible consumption and production