Project Summary
The objectives of this Project were to help transform groups of social and economic disadvantage (SEN and/or with learning difficulties/disabilities students) into autonomous, useful people by providing a full range of innovative, appropriate and accessible Personal Care education resources that could also be easily used in e-learning approach, promote social inclusion and employability and answer the needs of the Care sector, in the labour market.
The results of the project were: a suite of appropriate learning resources that build literacy and technical competencies related to the Sector of Personal Caregivers in 4 main areas: Diet and Nutrition; Basic health care; Community and social intervention; Animation activities – for the SEN or/and Learning Difficulties/disabilities VET students. These include: an e-handbook containing the whole curriculum and learning units; 34 micro-learning units; 24 tutorial videos, 25 webquests and a gamification platform.
- Project NameLearning Through Game Playing - Habilitas
- Start Year02/12/2020
- End Year08/01/2023
- TypeEuropean Partnership
- Country(ies)Portugal, Spain, Greece, Poland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- ESG ScopeSocial
- SDGs AddressedQuality education | Reduced inequalities
- Project Website
- Facebook Page
- Instagram Page