Project Summary
H2OforAll is an ambitious Horizon Europe-funded project that aims to assess main Disinfection By products (DBPs) sources through the development of fast, cost-effective and accurate sensor monitoring devices and by modelling their spread through drinking water distribution systems. DBPs toxicity and environmental impact will be studied and measures will be proposed to protect drinking water chain.
Breakthrough water treatments to remove DBPs or avoid their formation during water disinfection processes will be developed, paying attention to their life cycle analysis, costs and risks. A Central Knowledge Base with reliable data on the occurrence of DBPs in the EU and their effects will be created to increase awareness and engagement of society and governmental organizations about these drinking water contaminants and favour new policy responses and guidance.
- Project NameH2OforAll
- Start Year01/11/2022
- End Year10/31/2025
- TypeInternational Partnership
- Country(ies)Portugal, Israel, Germany, Spain, Cyprus, Poland, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- ESG ScopeEnviromental
- SDGs AddressedClean Water and Sanitation
- Project Website